

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Ages 3-10)

The Liturgy of the Word for children is the celebration of God’s presence in His word. It is a special opportunity for children ages 3 through 10 to understand and appreciate Scripture at the Sunday 9:00am Mass. Learning the faith begins at home and the program is designed to introduce them to Jesus and to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children.

Roz Esh (714) 963-7871; (714) 654-6810 Email: RozEsh@aol.com

Ines Collison (714) 791-5002 Email: Inescoll@aol.com

First Holy Communion & Elementary (Grades 1-5)

The Elementary Program offers basic religious education and continuing faith formation for children in Grades 1-5. The First Holy Communion Program prepares your child for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. The Grades 3-5 program continues the child’s understanding of the Catholic faith. Classes meet on Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:45pm in English, and Saturday at 9:30am or 11:30am in English & Vietnamese

Sr. Pauline Nguyen, LHC (714) 963-7871 Email: Sr.pauline@holyspiritfv.org

EDGE and Junior High (Grades 6-8)

EDGE is a Middle School Youth Ministry experience created for adolescents in Grades 6-8. It is designed to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of young adolescents with topics on Scripture, Church Teaching, Prayer, Sacraments, and Social Justice. Classes meet on Thursday at 7:00pm in English, Saturday at 9:30am or 11:30am in English and Vietnamese.

Sr. Pauline Nguyen, LHC (714) 963-7871 Email:Sr.pauline@holyspiritfv.org

Confirmation- High School (Grades 9-12)

Confirmation is a two-year sacramental preparation for high school age students. This process of faith development includes growth in life of prayer that will manifest into a deeper commitment to the Life of the Church. Classes meet on Tuesday at 7:00pm, Saturday at 9:30am or 11:30am.

Lisa Tran (714) 963-7871 Email: ltran@holyspiritfv.org

Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12)

Youth Ministry offers a variety of ways for young people to be connected to the parish life and to live out their faith. Focus topics include social and community life, justice and service, evangelization, prayer and worship, advocacy, and education/catechesis.

The Leadership and Service Team (LAST) is for confirmed high school juniors and seniors. It is designed to help young people become actively involved in parish life and offers an opportunity for continued faith development after Confirmation. Members also participate in committees once or twice a month to plan various activities for the Youth Ministry. Group meets on the first Wednesday of every month and 7:00pm.

Young Adults (College Students and beyond)

Our mission is to connect and support all young adults to uncover identity, to discern vocations to develop leadership, but most of all, to encounter Jesus and participate in His life and mission through Catholic Faith Community.

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation Program provides adult parishioners with ongoing opportunities to grow in faith, spirituality, and to seek a deeper and richer life in Christ. The program includes Bible studies, catechetical studies, faith sharing groups, retreats, CCCC (Christ Center Catholic Couples), and more.

Sr. Theresa Trang Nguyen LHC (714) 963-7871 Email: Sr.Theresa@holyspiritfv.org

Bible Study

Bible study takes an authentic Catholic perspective as it offers new opportunities to read and discuss the Word of God and understand how the Scripture affects our journey of faith.

For men and women, we meet on Sunday at 3:00pm

Roz Esh (714) 963-7871; (714) 654-6810 Email: rozesh@aol.com

For men’s bible study, we meet on Monday after the 6:30am Mass.

Bob Novielli (714) 914-3266 Email: BobNovielli@ca.rr.com

For women’s bible study, we meet on Wednesday at 7:00pm

Ruth Vinson (714) 585-6814 Email: Ravinson2160@aol.com

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program welcomes all those who turn to the Catholic Church seeking Baptism and/or acceptance into full communion with the Catholic Church. Class meets on Wednesday at 7:00pm in English or Sunday in English/Vietnamese at 5:00pm.

Sr. Theresa Trang Nguyen LHC (714) 963-7871 Email: Sr.Theresa@holyspiritfv.org

Vietnamese: Deacon Paul Mai (714) 457-4701 Email: Work4thePoor@yahoo.com

RCIA Adapted for Children & Youth

The RCIA process is adapted to meet the learning level of our children and youth ages 8 through 18 years old who are not baptized or have been raised in a different Christian denomination. Class meets on Sunday at 10:15am.

Sr. Theresa Trang Nguyen LHC (714) 963-7871 Email: Sr.Theresa@holyspiritfv.org



Eucharistic Adoration begins every Friday after the 9:00am Mass and last until the 9:00am Mass on Saturday and also on the forth of each month after the last Mass into the next day. Parishioners are encouraged to visit Our Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament.

Rochelle Giuseffi (714) 839-7617 Email: rochelleg868@gmail.com

For the fourth of each month

Jim Roberts (714) 531-3646 Email: Jamesar10@gmail.com

Charismatic Group & Healing Mass

Praise the Lord by using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Activities include reading the Sacred Scripture, Teachings of the Church, and prayer. Group meets every Wednesday at 7:00pm. Also, once a month, we gather for Praise and Worship at 6:30pm followed by a Healing Mass at 7:00pm with a Charismatic Priest.

Ruth Vinson (714) 585-6814 Email: RaVinson2160@att.net

Devotions: First Friday & First Saturday

First Friday devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus begins with prayers after the 9:00am Mass. First Saturday devotion honors the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Fatima Rosary beginning at 8:10am every First Saturday.

Rochelle Giuseffi (714) 839-7617 Email: rochelleg868@gmail.com

Divine Mercy

Devotion to the Divine Mercy Is celebrated by reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Friday at 3:00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Also, every year, we organize an annual Celebration on Divine Mercy Sunday at 3:00pm.

Tom & Joanne Peters (714) 963-3096 Email: tom@catholicfreeshipping.com

Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Immaculate Heart of Mary is devoted to praying the Holy Rosary for the holiness of our priests, deacons, religious men and women, and their vocations.

Pat Rensing (714) 968-5843

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholic men and women who spread their faith while growing in personal holiness, for the love of Jesus, in union with Mary, and to spread devotion to Mary.

Rosa Cheely (951) 249-5938 Email: Rosamc20@aol.com


Annual weekend retreats are for parishioners to rest and deepen their personal prayer time with God and are held at a local southern California retreat center.

Men: Thomas Mueller (714) 876-8342 Email: TheMuleFV@aol.com

Women: Jean Pedersen (714) 962-6868 Email: jpsqrdncr@verizon.net



The Celebration of the Liturgy is under the guidance of the Parish Liturgist who reports to the Pastor or designated priest. The Liturgist is responsible for facilitating the worship life of the parish community by coordinating and providing quality liturgical experiences which celebrate and strengthen the membership’s journey of faith.

Roz Esh (714) 654-6810 Email: rozesh@aol.com

Altar Servers

Altar servers represent the congregation at the altar, prepare the altar for the Sacred Liturgy, and assist the Celebrant during Mass.



Altar Society

The Altar Society is made up of people of all cultures who have a desire to keep our Church neat and clean. They also supply the church with laundered linens, albs, and chasubles.

Betty Perry (714) 848-9733

Environment Committee

The Committee seeks to create a liturgical environment that is welcoming with a sense of holiness. The Committee plans, sets up, maintains, and takes down decorations that are displayed throughout the Liturgical year. The Committee strives to express the cultural diversity of the People of God through the use of decorations.

Roz Esh (714) 654-6810 Email: rozesh@aol.com

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Our ministry serves Christ, who is present in the assembly, through the distribution of His Body and Blood to our brothers and sisters during Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick

Our ministry takes Holy Eucharist to our parishioners who cannot join us in the Celebration of the Holy Mass. We also serve local retirement homes, nursing homes, and hospitals.

Carol Souza (714) 964-5417 Email: Carol.Souza6910@outlook.com


Our ministry sets a welcoming atmosphere for all who come to our weekend and Holy Day Masses. By greeting them at the church doors with a warm welcome and a smile, we know that each person who responds with a smile will have a good start in experiencing God’s love at Mass.

Bev White (714) 963-9275 Email: Bevwhite429@yahoo.com


Our ministry has the privilege to proclaim the Word of the Lord and leads the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass.

Marie Fignar (714) 902-9099 Email: lectors@holyspiritfv.org

Music Ministry

Our Ministry assists the congregation to praise the Lord in music and song and to enrich the spiritual and liturgical experience of the parish community

Carla Orozco, (714) 963-1811 Email: Carla.Orozco@sbcglobal.net

9:30 AM Choir:

Doug O’Conner (714) 968-0569 Email: Doconner@legends.net

11:00 AM Choir:

David Vu (714) 580-4565 Email: davidcu999@gmail.com

For Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 4:00pm, please contact Carla Orozco


Our Ministry assists by providing the projection of the prayers, music, readings, and, announcements during Mass.

Kevin Hizon, Esq. (714) 330-7931 Email: KevinHizon@gmail.com


Our sacristans are responsible for the proper preparation, purifying and sanitizing of the sacred vessels after Mass, and the proper storage of everything used in the liturgical celebration. When altar servers are not available, sacristans will assume the role.

Joe Bednarski (714) 614-3030 Email: jxb1911@yahoo.com


Ushers help the people locate seating, assist the disabled, collect offerings, distribute the bulletin, and assist in various duties throughout the Mass.

Bob Leroux (714) 717-1609 Email: Myduc@socal.rr.com


Baptism Preparation

Our ministry assists at the Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism for infants up to the age of 5 years old on the third Saturday of each month. Informative meeting is held on the first Wednesday of the month.

Parish Office (714) 963-1811 Email: Office@holyspiritfv.org

Bereavement (Funeral Liturgy)

The Bereavement Ministry serves the parish community by offering a supportive presence in planning the Vigil rite, Rosary, and Funeral Liturgy of our departed loved ones. In the month of November, we coordinate the Mass of Remembrance, honoring all those who passed away during the year.

Mayrose Forbes (714) 925-7503 Email: Retincal@aol.com

Wedding Coordinator

Our ministry assists the bride and groom on their special day as they come to be husband and wife through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. The couple will be aided in the selection of music, readings, and the Rite of Marriage.

Parish Office (714) 963-1811 Email: Office@holyspiritfv.org

Mary Kieu Loan Nguyen (714) 326-3939 Email: Maryjolie111@yahoo.com


Detention Ministry

A Diocesan ministry that involves visiting those incarcerated in Orange County jails.

Fred LaPuzza (714) 282-4261 Email: Flapuzza@rcbo.com

His Hands Christian Service

We operate a mission in the old church at 17101 Ward St., to serve families who are in need of food and clothing, especially during the holidays. Monthly, we provide lunch for the poor at Southwest Center, Santa Ana, and we visit Catholic retirees at Seaside Terrace.

We are open Monday – Thursday from 9am – 11am to serve our clients, to sort, and hang items donated by our parishioners.

Genny Victorino (714) 968-2111 Email: Gentolvic@yahoo.com

Peace & Justice

Based on the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46, our mission is to inspire and support our parish community to be doers of Gospel of Justice through legislative advocacy and direct charitable service. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm, but do check ahead to confirm the meeting time.

Pat Goodman (714) 847-6617 Email: PatGoodman@yahoo.com

Respect Life Ministry

Our mission is to promote the dignity of human life from natural conception to natural death. We are dedicated to protect the unborn by assisting mothers in crisis pregnancies with fundraisers for shelters and clinics that meet their needs. Our outreach extends to educating our youth and community by providing pro-life and chastity speakers, public prayer vigils, Diocesan representation, and more.

Rochelle Giuseffi (714) 839-7617 Email: rochelleg868@gmail.com

Larry Doan (714) 963-9424 Email: Idoanadoan@aol.com

Senior Grocery

The Distribution of food for seniors takes place on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

Petra Wallace (714) 262-8485


Capital Campaign: Our Lady of Grace Pastoral Center

Our mission is to raise sufficient funds to renovate Doyle Hall and to meet the needs of our growing parish by creating the Our Lady of Grace Pastoral Center.

Joe Bednarski (714) 614-3030 Email: Jxb1911@yahoo.com

MaryAnn Mullin (714) 336-5795 Email: MarMullin47@gmail.com

Catholic Spirit Singles

Catholic Spirit Singles is a social, spiritual, and active organization for persons age 50+ who are single, widowed, or separated. We meet on the third Sunday of each month at 1:00pm with activities scheduled throughout the month.

Jim Roehrich (714) 573-2091

Donna Wilson (714) 963-6327 Email: Donnad18@msn.com


Cursillo is a lay movement to live and spread the Gospel. It involves a renewal of your Catholic commitment to Christ, beginning with a three day weekend retreat of listening, living, sharing, praying, and continual support of Cursillo friends meeting on a regular basis.

Phil & Pam Laing (714) 308-2834 Email: Laingphil@gmail.com

Finance Council

The Finance Council assists and advises the Pastor in matters relating to the evaluation of the material and financial needs of the parish and all groups therein.

Bev White (714) 963-9275 Email: Bevwhite429@yahoo.com

Kairos Interfaith Prison Ministry

Our interfaith ministry retreat is for inmates who are incarcerated. It follows the format of a Cursillo Retreat. Kairos has a very successful record for spiritual conversions for participants.

Bob Novielli (714) 914-3266 Email: bobnovielli@ca.rr.com

Knights of Columbus

Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their Church. The Knights are involved with their community, supporting their local church, and protecting and enhancing their faith and family life.

Damon Ferrara (714)625-1756 Email: Damon.Ferrara@yahoo.com

Knight’s Ladies and Friends

Our organization assists the Knights of Columbus in all their activities but also has fundraisers of our own, such as the Christmas Boutique, Fashion Show, and others. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm

Bev White (714) 963-9275 Email: Bevwhite429@yahoo.com

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council assists and advises the Pastor in matters relating to social and spiritual needs plus providing the vision and direction for the Parish.

Dominic Migliorini (714) 345-1605 Email: Dominic@premiersteel.com


The program is focused on providing the youth with the opportunity to be better citizens and to learn life-long principles while at the same time, having fun.

Boys: Michael McAndrews (714) 421-3529 Email: Michael_McAndrews@yahoo.com

Girls: Jenni Luu (714) 457-8886 Email: JenniLuu3@gmail.com

Stewardship & Pastoral Service Appeal (PSA) Committee

Our Committee supports the Pastor and serves Holy Spirit parishioners, ministries, and organizations by promoting the spirituality of authentic Catholic stewardship, and by facilitating commitments of time, talent, and financial and spiritual treasure to support that work.

Joe Bednarski (714) 614-3030 Email: jxb1911@yahoo.com

Dr. HoangLan Do (714) 884-5290 Email: HLanDo2013@gmail.com

Vocation Awareness

Our committee actively prays for, and promotes, vocations to the priesthood and religious life by sponsoring programs and prayers that encourage vocations in our parish. We raise funds to assist in the training of seminarians and those entering religious life.

Marie Kish (714) 321-7266 Email: MKish77@yahoo.com

MaryLou Wessberg (714) 965-2965 Email: Wessberg1@juno.com